Saturday, February 16, 2013

The days from Hell

I love my computer, honest, I do. However, over the last couple of days I have been hating it, and for a while there was at the point I wanted to toss the damn thing out the office window.

I unexpectedly and accidentally clicked on an ad, (it was by accident, by the way) as I was trying to access my e-mail and boy, oh boy, did that ever cause my problem.

A large red box came on my screen warning that my computer had been infected with a malicious something or other, and my computer was crashing. I immediately clicked my computer's protection program and started running it, hoping I caught the malicious something or other, before too much damage had been  And, I have been spending all my computer time since trying to salvage everything.  Everything was saved, thank goodness. But, the problem is all my passwords have been affected, and although my favorites list is in tack, none of the passwords are. So, every time I go to one of my favorites, it requires me setting new passwords before I can move ahead.

I think my blog is okay, today will be the ultimate test for this site.

In the meantime, I have been in a frazzle. I guess I could have called the Geek Squad and they would have fixed everything for a hundred buck, or more, (if they would have had to take the computer in for repair). But, I feel if I learn to do things for myself it is better for me even though there is a lot of blond hair on the office floor, along with some blood, sweat and tears, even so, I trudge along.

Life, a hoot, ain't it, this is one gigantic waste of time and I just want to move on. Technology is a wonderful thing...till it all goes in the toilet.

Tomorrow is going to be better, right?

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