Saturday, February 2, 2013

G-bye winter

I understand on Yahoo news this morning, the official groundhog, Pa.'s Punxsutawney Phil, has predicted an early spring.

Well, let me just say...


Although  winter just started late December it feels as though it has been here since the first sign of autumn the middle of October last year.  Yeah, where was autumn last year?

Maybe it is just age talking.

Age:  "Hey, old I going to screw with you."
Me:   "Why, what have I ever done to you?"
Age:  "Nothing, it's what I've done to you...I made you old, and you can't stand it....baahaaahaaa."
(Make sure this sound is a very evil laugh.)
Me:  "Everybody gets old, why pick on me?"
Age:  "You have to ask?  Well, old are such an easy target.  Plus, you hate me.  All the more reason, I love a good challenge."
Me:  "Yeah, so?"
Age:  "So, that allows me to play 'mind games' with you.  I can give the appearance that the dark, dank,  looong spelled months seem longer, and that the short spelled months seem shorter.  I can make the cold feel colder, and the hot feel hotter.  Should I go on?
Me:  "No, I get the picture, you're in control of my destiny.  You're just plain mean.
Age:  "No,I'm just is what it is.  Everybody eventually thinks the world is changing, well...actually it is...but not in the ways related to life.  Life has phases you have no choice to progress through.  People end up old.  You require less sleep, less food, less just about everything.  Those that give up the fight for life and give in to me end up lonely, bitter, angry, sick, tired, and did I mention lonely?"
Me:  "Gasp."
Age:  "So, let me tell you a little story:

     Once upon a time there was an old lady. She hated getting old, she complained about the cold, she complained about the dark winter months, she hated another year coming to a close (I think because it meant she was going to get another year older).  She didn't complain just this year, no, e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e year.  Frankly, everybody got tired of hearing it.  People whispered behind her back.

Then one day, Age gave her a 'whap' up-side her head and said.  "Listen up, cry baby!  Ain't nuttin' you can do about gettin' old.  Physically old...but you can sure do sumfun' 'bout attitude...yours stinks.  Get a grip, some day you're gonna' die.

So, the moral of this little tale?  Life is what it is, enjoy the simple pleasures, like the day when you realize it is still daylight at 5:30 PM on February 1st.

Either, 'life's a bitch, and then you die...or, 'life's a blast'...what a way to go!

The end.

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