Monday, February 11, 2013

To follow your bliss

Over the weekend one of my grandsons posted on Facebook he wanted to 'run with the bulls' in Spain.  I posted back that that was something I would never be brave enough to do, but if that was something he really did, he should save his pennies, go, and do it.  And, I told him to send pictures.

Now I suppose a lot of you think that was very careless advice to give a grandchild.  I'm aware that 'running with the bulls' is a very dangerous activity and that over the years people have been gored, seriously injured, and even killed during this event.  Still, I have to remain true to myself, and the advise I've given my children from the time they understood the meaning of my words.  "Go where you want to go, do what you want to do, see what you want to see, and you will never live your life with regret."  In other words, you will never look back on your life and sadly say 'I wish I could-a, would-a, should-a.'

For at least the last thirty years I've had a list I call "Things I want to do before I die."  As I accomplish one thing I draw a line through it, and sometimes even add something new to the bottom of the list.

Some things on the list are outlandish, and I know I will never be able to do...although I don't discount the possibility that maybe by some freakish happenstance maybe I could actually make a particular something happen.  Like for instance, I would like to wipe bagpipes...all of the face of the earth, and sing a duet with Elton John.  I doubt either will happen, but I love looking at my list and seeing those items there.

Some of the things on the list I have accomplished like whale watching, getting tattooed, getting published (on a very small scale) and eating escargot. Small achievements to be sure, but none the less, part of my life bliss's that I can say I not only could-a, would-a, should-a...I actually did'a.  And, that is why I told my grandson to save his pennies and go 'run with the bulls'.  I firmly believe we all, whatever our bliss, deserve to believe in ourselves that we can make just about anything happen.

So, Keenan, get yourself a piggy bank, and start by emptying whatever change is in your pocket at the end of the day...even if it is only a nickel or a dime...into it.  Watch it grow...if it were not for my piggy bank, I would never have been able to follow my bliss to California on a one way ticket, three suitcases, a carry on bag, $138.00 in my purse, and the belief I had to go where I wanted to go, see what I wanted to see and do what I wanted to do.

Nope, not once have I looked back on my life and said that I could-a, should-a, would-a.

Follow your bliss kiddo, follow your bliss.

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