Saturday, August 4, 2012

And so begins...

another trek around the golden orb of life.

If I had to describe last year with one word it would be 'reborn'.  Not with the religious connotation usually connected with this word.  But, literally, reborn.

The illnesses I felt late last year affected me greatly.  I was scared, lonely, lost, full of doubts, but mostly I was scared; I thought I was going to die.  I really, really did.  The medical community was worthless, and I discovered that for the most part they tend to believe old people are 'throw away', and although they were never rude or unkind to me I felt I was not really 'time worthy'.  I was most thankful when I finally got the help I needed and started down the road to recovery.

Trust me the road was long, v-e-r-y dark, and scary as heck.

Then came the miracle.  (I know, I know, I know) you are sick of hearing this...but it's true...I discovered the  ancient I-Ching Oracle.  Peace filled me, I regained hope, discovered excitement, looked, really looked at the beauty around me.  I started to become reclusive...and I liked, loved it.  I began to center on me, something I'd never done my entire life.  There was joy, joy, joy...down in my the little song goes.

I don't think I've become 'self-centered' by any stretch of the imagination.  But, my imagination has blossomed. It's amazing, I can't wait to see what the each day has in store.  Could be good, could be 'not so much' I always hope for good.

I think it would be safe to say I've become child-like, I look at bugs, and watch tree branches gently bow in the breeze.  I have an imaginary friend, my alter ego, who I held at bay because I refused to answer her knock on my door...I love you Frankie.  But, most of all I stay busy every single day, not work, like dust furniture, or vacuum, but work at life and that requires no labor at all.  Life is a slice of your favorite piece of pie...don't waste time savoring it...gulp it down and move on to the second.

Life is short dear friends...gulp down every second, don't let them quietly slip by. TICK, TICK, TICK.

So, here I am, starting around the golden orb of life again.  Stay turned folks I think it's going to be quite the ride.

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