Wednesday, August 15, 2012


thing they never tell you.

At the end of my last Bible study, some how the subject of getting old came up (I think because I told them about my 'surprise luncheon') and I mentioned some of the things I've already posted here about getting old and we all had a good laugh over them.

Then, Polly, who is also a senior, said, "You know what I don't like about getting old?  Crepe paper skin."

"What the heck is that?"  I inquire.

She holds up her arm, gives a little twist and low and behold...crepe paper skin.

I gasp, hold out my own arm, give a little twist, and...there is was crepe paper skin.  How in the world did I never notice this. No matter how I twisted, turned, pushed, or pulled, there it was, like a  fresh roll of crepe paper in the party supply store...crepe paper.  I kind of wished I could flair my skin out on the sides like you do with a roll of the stuff at a party, but I knew I was stuck with this affliction.

And, then, of course there are the veins on the backs of your hands...giggle, giggle, mine are a lovely shade of  blue, and there are MANY.  The thing that gets me is, when I was younger I was able to put my hands up in the air, and they would disappear, and my hands for a brief second would look twenty again.  Today....not so fact, no matter what I do with my hands, there they are.  Tiny blue rivers.  Baaaa, haaaa, haaaa.  I watch them with great fascination, realizing with out their diligent work, I'd be a goner.  For sure!!!!!!!

I remember my mom telling me how she used to sit with her grand mother and play with the veins on the back of her hands.  Pushing them around.  Pinching at them.  Stopping the flow.  Somehow that seems like such a delightful, peaceful,  private, loving time.  Hope some day one of my grand children discover mine and we can have moments like that, too.

Anyway, today's blog is just another entry into the mystical, magical world of getting old.  I used to hate this process, now...geeze... crepe paper skin, who knew....what an adventure...I love it.

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