Monday, August 13, 2012

It's wonderful

Yesterday we had our family picnic.

Several things made it the most wonderful of experiences.

Good food,
Lots of laughter,
Great weather,
Smiling faces,
and Little children.

It's hard to imagine sometimes just how luck I am.  Not only have I been fortunate to see my grandchildren grow up into fine, smart, caring, loving individuals (I'm still allowed to hug them).  But another generation has started.  Great-grand-kids.  You should have seen them yesterday.  Bonnie's Rachael, and Michelle's kids decided they had to bake...Alexis, with Rachael in tow, came out with a box of cake mix and asked Michelle what the instructions were to make cupcakes.  After clearing up the fact the recipe was the same for cupcakes as it was for a cake, Bonnie told them to go ahead until it came time to turn on the oven.  I've never seen such joyful faces.

Truth be told, I stayed outside...too many cooks spoil the soup, you know.

However, I was present when it came time to start spreading the icing around.

The kitchen smelled delicious.  And forty eager, dirty fingers participated in the icing process.  I announced I could hardly wait, I desperately wanted one of those cupcakes.

Suddenly, there at my right shoulder was a tiny, smiling, mussed haired little girl, and in her hand was a slightly lopsidedly iced cupcake.  A heaven sent angel, what a blessing.

The whole afternoon was filled with all kinds of little snippets we so often take for granted.

Children running through sprinklers
Full tummies
Excessive sweets
Screams of delight followed by giggles
Warm summer breezes
Pine cone battles
Hugs, hugs, hugs

I forgot to take my camera, and I would give anything to have pictures of those darling children messing up the kitchen, but then again my brain's camera already has them mounted in it photo album, so as they say today...It's all good.

Let me say again...I'm so very blessed...and the bestest part of the day...the grand child, great-grand children's cupcakes.  I wish everyone I know could have tasted them, they were the most delicious I've ever eaten.

Thank you Bonnie and Ted...t'was a day to remember in history.

I love you family, you are the best.

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