Monday, August 20, 2012

It's time for...

a leap of faith.

How many times have I said this over my life time, not many, and those that I did on the grand scale of things, certainly were small compared to those facing serious illness, loss of job, and emotional battles every day.  Still, I have had a few.

I took a huge leap of faith when I discovered I was not nursing material, and had no clue what career choices I had since I had wanted to be a nurse the whole time I was growing up.  And, I had no skills to speak of, so landing a job seemed impossible, still I closed my eyes and jumped.  Of all things, it turned out I had a knack for advertising.  Thank you, God.

The next leap was the one I took when I moved to California with a one way ticket, three suit cases, a carry on bag and to the penny one hundred-thirty-eight dollars in my purse.  Thank goodness I was young, eager, and ready for a grand adventure.  I landed safely in the arms of God.

Then of course there was the one I took when Bonnie was born, and I was an un-wed mother, out of work, and scared out of my wits wondering how I was going to make this work.  It did, again, thanks to God, and although we were edging on poor, we had a lovely roof over our heads, food for on the table and clothes on our backs.  It was a lovely, delightful time.

And, of course, marriage, was another biggie, at the time 50% of them failed, but I took the leap and my vows serious enough that I knew I would make it work come heck or high did.  Although, honestly, the last several miles of that road were, long, sad and extremely difficult.  I was thankful to have come from good, strong, stock and rode out that leap thanks to the Almighty.

Now it seems, I'm about to take another one.  Really, this is big.  I'm putting the house I've been living in for thirty-eight years up for sale.  A Realtor is coming at noon today to talk about a plan to put it on the market.  I'm scared sh..l..s, and anxiety is lurking behind every door, I'm trying to hold it at bay.  Yesterday my niece asked me if I was ready for this new adventure.  No.  Yes.  Maybe.  I don't know.  So, here I am one more time standing at the ledge.  I look across the abyss.  Oh my, I can't even see the ground below and the other side seem sooo far away.  Scary stuff this, but I'm going to take a deep breath at  'High Noon', and jump.  I'll let you know when I land on the other side.

Sorry, Mr. Almighty, I weigh a bit more now, and my running start sure isn't what it used to be, so if you see me clinging to the edge, please pull me up.  Thanks.

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