Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dang it!

Remember when I said some time ago I can no longer 'multitask'?  Apparently I'm going to have to add walking to that list.

Last night I was watching Storage Wars and decided it was time to clean up the living room and was in the process of taking my box filled with crafty stuff to my office.  I'm walking to the hall, listening to the TV, balancing the box, turning the corner, and...walking into my little curio cabinet.

Uh-oh!  Oh my gosh!  I'm going to fall!


This was not like the tumble I took last year, when the root jumped out from under a cover of leaves on the nature trail and grabbed me by the ankle, throwing me to the ground---kind of fall...that was really, really, funny  No, this was a stupid, old lady, think about what you're doing kind of fall.  Con-sent-rate old woman.  Concentrate.



Frankie:  (Me on hands and knees, butt end her direction.)  "Are you okay?"
Me:  (Terribly embarrassed.)  "Yes."
Frankie:  "Are you sure?"

She can't help because my big rear end and the curio cabinet block her from getting around to my front end to do so.

Me:  "Yes, I'm okay."  I look around.  The box is a little bent out of shape, but not one single thing has fallen out of it.  I'm reasonably sure I've not broken anything, and feel (like an idiot) as though I can stand up.

I see poor Zorro, he is in a tizzy, doing his 'I think I'm going to get hysterical', round and round in a circle dance.  Once I'm on my feet he calms down.

I can  also see the look on Frankie's face turn from honest concern, to 'oh dear, that was really funny, I think I'm going to laugh, but I don't want to hurt your feelings' outburst.  We both do.  Mostly from relief that I had  not broken anything, and from the fact we did not have a bunch of little plastic bags to pick up.

Frankie:  "Did we learn anything for this?"
Me:   "Absolutely; I learned I have to:

Slow down,
Think about what I'm doing,
NOT multitask,
Look where I'm going,
Thank God (profusely) I did not break anything,
write this on the blackboard a hundred times so I never to do the above again, lesson.

 I'm a little 'stove-up', and the hip I hurt some time ago is a bit cranky this morning, but other than that I'm going to be okay.  It's nothing one of those hot-cold creams can't fix up in a few days.  However, I guess I HAVE to learn to be more careful, as even a 'trip' (snicker, snicker) down the hall can be a dangerous 'trek'
(snicker, snicker).

Have a good day.

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