Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spark or fire, part 2

I can't believe how my simple question of a few day ago still has Frankie in a tizzy.

It was philosophical and I explained there was no right answer, she wasn't going to fail anything, the question was mostly just for discussion purposes.  She was free to change her mind at any time.

The question was would you rather be a fire or a spark?

That morning she said she wanted to be a fire, I chose a spark, she explained her decision, and I explained mine.  However, THIS morning the question still hangs heavy in the air...who knew?

Me:  "Frankie, honest, if you want to be a fire that's great.  I simply want you to be happy with your choice.  Roasting weeny's and toasting marshmallows for kids sitting around a campfire is a wonderful thing to be.  Good childhood memories, good childhood memories."
Frankie:  (Sighing) "I know, but I think I would rather dance off into the, like...Tinkerbell."
Me:  "Ahhh, I see."

Insert a few minutes of silence here...I'm pondering.

I'm not wanting to confuse Frankie more than necessary so I want to choose my words wisely.

Me:  "Ya know, Frankie, there are even more parts to a campfire, and they all have important parts to play.  You can't roast hot-dogs, or toast marshmallows unless they all come together in perfect harmony."
Frankie:  (Reacting badly, shocked look)  "What????"
Me:  "Don't freak out, let me 'splain'."

Me:  "We're out camping, it's getting dusk.  We want a campfire.  First we look for some dried grass, a fire starter, if you will.  Then, we find some twigs, not very big, and we place them around our little mound of grass, so that it all looks like a tee-pee before the hides are thrown over it.  Next we need some good sized limbs that have fallen from neighboring trees.  A few to start the fire, and some to throw on when the flames begin to die down.  Finally, we need a match...none of the other stuff matters if you don't have something to start the fire.  And, if you don't have all the parts the fire will never happen."

I've never seen Frankie so enraptured.

Frankie:  "So, I have even more choices?"
Me:  "You bet ya."
Frankie:  "This philosophical stuff is givin' me a 'head-e-a-ache'."
Me:  "Honest, Frankie, all this simply boils down to the fact I just want you to be happy with your life and the path you've chosen.  Starter, kindling, limbs, match, fire, flame,'s all up to you.  And...I can guarantee your choice today may not be the one you want a year from now, that's okay, too.  Our life's path is ever changing.  It might even depend on age...I don't know, and don't even care."
Frankie: "Does that mean tomorrow you might want to be a match?"
Me:  (Laughing)  "No not tomorrow, and maybe never.  All I know is at this time of my life I'm a spark, baby.  And, I'm a dancin."

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