Thursday, May 3, 2012


Something very unusual happened a couple of days ago.  I got the first of many packages I ordered from many different places, and since this particular place requires that I sign for the order, I had to open the door to receive the packages.

Zorro went bonkers, I mean I thought he was going to attack this guy.  The fur from his neck to the tip of his tail was standing straight, tall, and angry looking.  I could not believe my eyes.  He would not stop growling, and if were not for the fact that two good sized boxes was on the floor between him and the delivery guy I think he just might have attacked.  I tried to calm him down, but he would have none of it.

His action really had me on edge, what was it about this man that Zorro was reacting so aggressively?  I've had a lot of dogs over the years, and I've always been aware they have not been particularly friendly toward some people, but never, like Zorro was with this gentleman.

True, I don't know Zorro's entire background and he has always had a problem warming up to people, though I must say he has come along way when it comes to accepting people coming into the house.  But, as for the delivery guy of a few days ago I don't think Zorro would ever, ever warm up to him and frankly, I hope he and I never see this particular fellow again.

What was even more funny was the guy did not react to Zorro at all.  I think most people would have backed away, maybe even have put their hand on the door in an attempt to close it.  Not this guy, he just stood there steely faced saying absolutely nothing, not one comment about Zorro's actions.  We completed business and he simply turned on his heel and left.

 Let me tell you, Zorro, examined those boxes, as thought they might have contained explosives or some other deadly materials, another first.  Usually a quick sniff, and he's done...I'm sure thinking "old lady's been shopping AGAIN".

Some wise scholar, sometime said, if your dog does not like somebody it is best you don't like them either.
I now think that is very sage advice, whatever it was that Zorro was reacting to, made me think of all the mystery shows I watch where women get attacked in their own homes.

Like I said, I hope we never see that guy again.

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