Friday, May 25, 2012

Spark or fire

(Please remember, I do proof-read these entries, and spell-check, yet errors still continue to appear.  I simply don't catch them...just over-look them, K?)

This morning after I-Ching, I asked Frankie, "Would you rather be a fire, or a spark?"

Frankie:  "Neither, that's a stupid question."
Me:  "No, really, let's be philosophical for a few minutes."
Frankie rolls her eyes, and sighs.  "Is Muse going to join us?"
Me:  "Oh, I suppose she'll be around somewhere."
Frankie:  "Well, if I MUST.  I guess I would choose to be the fire.  Warm, friendly, accommodating, plus, I can roast hot-dogs and marshmallows for people."
Me:  "Hmmmmm."
Frankie:  "What???? That was the wrong answer?"
Me:  "No, there's no right or wrong answer, you just surprised me, that's all.  I thought for sure you would have said spark."
Frankie:  "Which would you rather be?"
Me:  "I've been giving this a lot of thought this morning, and..."
Frankie:  " roped me there a sermon coming?"

I'm glad you asked.

Frankie is right you know, a controlled fire is indeed warm and friendly, and I think 99.9 % of people would choose to be the fire.  And, at first I thought I would, too.  Then, after more contemplation, my minds eye viewed a campfire, and I heard a 'pop', and saw hundreds of sparks come to life, briefly dance and disappear into the darkness.  This happened over and over again.  Pop, dance, disappear.  Pop, dance, disappear.

A fire slowly dies, cools and eventually goes out, yet all the while the sparks dance to the very end.  And, I decided I would rather be a spark than the fire.  Here's my thinking.  As a fire slowly dies, it is still constant, dependable, helpful, purposeful, and...dull.

However, the life of a spark though brief, is unexpected, exciting, lively, full of delight.  True, it does not last long, but then human life does not last long either.  I can live mine going by slowly, constantly, helpfully, purposefully...and dully.  Or,  I can live it unexpectedly, excitingly, lively and delightfully.  After much soul searching I think I made the right choice.


From here on out I'm going to do my damn-est to be a spark.

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