the last but best month of the year....where did the rest of the year go???????
Today I feel like a kid left all alone in a candy store with a fifty dollar bill.
So here I sit trying to figure out exactly how to spend my December moments
There on my front stoop is a guy from UPS with a was "A Partridge in a Pear Tree".
The card read that it was a gift from, 'MY TRUE LOVE.'
What a great gift. Partridges are edible, I know because I immediately went on-line and found a few recipes, that sound delicious. Apparently you roast them, as you would a duck, chicken, or turkey, and smother them in bacon, mushrooms, and if you like a zesty flavor, you can drizzle lemon juice over them 'whilst' they are roasting. Or, you can prepare a hardy stew with them by adding potatoes, onions, carrots and cabbage, perfect for the 'family home decorating' evening meal.
Poor Partridge. Such a pretty little bird...sad he should end up in a roasting pan or cooking pot. Perhaps I will keep him for a pet.
However, the second part of this gift is even's a Pear Tree. How delightful. Who would not like to get a pear tree for Christmas. AND...WHERE IN THE WORLD DID 'MY TRUE LOVE' FIND ONE IN FULL LEAF THIS TIME OF YEAR IN ORDER TO HIDE A PARTRIDGE IN IT?
Aside from the fact I have no idea what to do with this tree til spring when I can plant it, chances are it will eventually sit leafless in a room somewhere. Also, considering my luck with growing trees I don't believe it will have much of a future at all...and will remain leafless, and lifeless in a pot somewhere in a back corner of my property.
Still, I do appreciate 'my true love's' thoughtfulness, I must think of something to send him in return.
Hmmm, can't wait to see what else might turn up on my stoop this month.