Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This is the week of Thanksgiving, and the last that I will be posting thankfulness-es.  And, I'm betting most of you are glad, as some of mine have been...well...kind of....out there?....on the fringe.

But get ready, here is another unusual thanks posting.

Today I am thankful for 'stupid'.  Yes, stupid.  You can not imagine the giggles and happy moments stupid has brought me.  So, as you can tell by now my thankfulness is not for 'stupid' in general...that would be 'stupid', but for my own freaky, quirky, ridiculous, moments that have caused me to say..".Well, that was stupid."

So I'm going to share one of my stupid thankful-s from yesterday and hope it brings a smile to you face.

Shopping day, first time to visit the revamped Fred Meyer's store. I'm hum-dee-dumming and getting ready to go.

The weather is now at the point I feel I can wear my cowboy boots again, and choose an outfit that will match my metallic pink (yes,pink) boots.  I'm talking to Zorro. (He knows I'm going somewhere and he is already not happy about it.)  I reassure him I will be back in a few hours, and not to worry, I will leave lights and the TV on.

There, I'm done, I walk around the house making sure everything is secure, fill Zorro's toy with kibble topped with peanut butter, (to make my leaving less traumatic), and suddenly realize my feet hurt.  What was the matter with these cowboy boots, they never hurt before, had I put on weight so they no longer fit? I look long and hard at them.  They appear fine.  Hmmm?  Maybe if I take the socks off the boots won't be quite so tight.  I sit on the edge of the bed, and take one boot to push the other off.  I hold the boot in my hands.  For some reason I decided to flip it bottom up...I look at the shape of the sole...dang...I'd been walking around with the boots on the wrong feet.  No wonder they hurt.

I switch them around.  Now here's the thing...I had done this exact same thing just a few short weeks ago with my slippers.  Is this a trend, am I not being mindful, am I reverting to my childhood, am I going to have to learn how to tie my shoes all over again...(probably not...thank you slip-on's and Velcro.)  Or, am I just plain stupid.  Yes, that's the ticket...I'm going for stupid.

So, as I'm sitting there on the edge of the bed, I'm laughing my silly head off.  I try to make the excuse that the mistake was reasonable, the boots have very pointy toes, and look almost identical;  the fact I had to struggle to get them on in the first place simply did not compute...I blamed it on the socks.  The fact they hurt, did not compute...I blamed it on the socks.  The fact I had them on the wrong feet most certainly did not compute but THAT I could not blame on the socks.   I can only conclude the last time I wore these beautiful boots (waaay last spring) I must have set them side by side in the closet, with the left where right should have been, and visa-versa   Therefore, without giving thought, I simply drug them out of the closet, and tugged them on, assuming they were in their proper place.  Silly, silly, silly me.  Geeze, I'm just thankful I discovered my mistake before I left the house...can you envision me tromping through the store shopping for hours waddling like a duck.  Oh my.

There you have it, just one of yesterday's stupid moments. This morning I contemplated that stupid moment, and it still made me chuckle, and then other stupid moments came to mind and I had to laugh at them, too.  Standing on a table to pound nails...stupid...good thing I didn't fall.  Walking into my sliding door...stupid....I need to look where I am going.   Cutting my thumb with an Exacto knife...really, really stupid especially if it is you first day on the job.  Falling off my stool...in public...really, really, really stupid...did anybody in the neighborhood see that.

I'm thinking perhaps the older I get the more stupid I become....which is why I signed on to a web-site called Lumosity, a place where every day I can challenge my mental capabilities...and hopefully increase my 'smart'.  Wish me luck.

In the meantime, I am thankful for my 'stupids', and for the guardian angel that apparently sits on my shoulder and protects me from serious harm.

So,til tomorrow...Uh, oh...well, that was stupid........

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