Tuesday, November 13, 2012


There is a quaint little saying that goes..."So far this is as old as I have ever been."  I love this little phrase.

And, thank God every day, my eyes are open, I'm in an upright position, able to pound the computer keyboard keys, and still have...(this is a biggie) my wits about me.

For along time I hated getting old, and my younger sister and I frequently spoke about how ugly the process is, and how not fun it is, and oh, the aches and pains we have to endure.  Finally we decided we could either laugh about this process, or cry...we have decided to laugh.

Getting old is very, very funny. Yep, it is ugly...u--g--l--y.  I've got wrinkles, thinning hair, some growing in places I never expected, false teeth, and chunks of fat in places that are just disgusting....ugh...except now I don't give a crap.  I prefer to believe the wrinkles make me look distinguished, my thinning hair can be colored or covered with a wig, while the ones growing where they shouldn't can be either plucked or shaves, my false teeth are broken (have been for two years now) and my chunks of fat prove I love fried food, tons of butter and cheese...good golly Miss Molly, do I love cheese.

Come on now, tell the truth, you are all trying to visualize me...so don't forget, that while you age you also get shorter (chortle, chortle), my once (almost sleek 'not' body) used to be 5'1", but is now hovering in the area of 4'11 inches, you laughing...you better be laughing cause, this is a very, very funny picture.

Oh, and while you are visualizing this, add a pair of tortoise shell computer glasses, (yes, words on the page keep getting smaller and smaller)  they are broken, too, a thin band of facial tissue and Elmer's glue are  holding them together.  Good lord, I'm a wreck and a tangle.  I could get my glasses fixed, but my youngest daughter has been telling me for years "you're such a nerd", I finally believe it and have no intention on getting my glasses fixed.  I'm quite fond of being labeled a nerd.

And there you have it folks, me in a nut shell.  I'm guessing some might say, getting old is ugly and do cry about it, but I love getting old.  I love that each day I awake there is always something new to discover, something to laugh at, something to give thanks for.  If life throws lemons at me, I'm going to try to make rich, creamy ice cream out of them.  I love my life, I love me.

So today's thankfulness is very simple I'm indeed thankful that 'so far this is the oldest I have ever been'.

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