Wednesday, November 21, 2012


By now you know I discovered I-Ching about a year ago, and I think that I have learned much from its insightful words.  I believe they have made me a better person.  Today it had sound advise.

It said, and I quote, "It's best to speak your heart today so that you don't mislead anyone.  Avoidance will only increase any misunderstandings; honesty is the best policy."

So, I have to admit I'm glad this is my last 'thankful'.   I appreciate you tolerance this past month.  Thank you, for that.

I want today to thank my family for putting up with me all these years.  I would like to list them all here, but with my addled brain I know I would forget someone, and rather than hurt any feelings, even by accident, I will simply say THANK YOU FAMILY, THANK YOU.

I want to do the same for my friends, those in my circle today, those I grew up with, those I worked with, all of whom have touched my life THANK YOU FRIENDS, THANK YOU.

I'm going to say thanks for the roof over my head, food on my table, money enough to survive, heat on chilly mornings, and a comfortable bed to fall into each night.  THANK YOU NECESSITIES, THANK YOU.

Then, there is nature, mysterious, beautiful...air, clouds, rain, sun...THANK YOU CREATOR, THANK YOU.

I could go on and on.  

So, I think you will be surprised with my thankfulness ending.

I'm thankful for Bird Lady, even though she hurt me deeply.

I'm thankful for the drivers who are so impatient they come up inches behind me as I'm trying to cross the street.  (So far they always miss me).

I'm thankful for all the people that will not allow me to get a word in 'edgewise'.  Come on people, I just might have something constructive to say.

I'm thankful for healthy food...I don't like you, you taste awful...but, it is great you are an option.  

I'm thankful for bad news because that make the good news so much better.

I'm thankful for my aches and pains, because I know my health could be so much worse.

But, most of all I'm thankful this is my last thankfulness posting, because THAT means Thanksgiving is tomorrow...yummm.

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