Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm thankful for forgiveness.  I know, I know that sounds ridiculous.  Hang me out....

I think we would all agree it is difficult to forgive when we have been badly hurt especially by someone who has the qualities we love, respect, and admire.  We don't expect them to lash out, and cause us pain, in the most unexpected times and places.  But, once the words pass their lips, or their actions cut, there is no taking them back.  I suppose sometimes they don't realize how much we are hurt because their arrogance or perhaps ignorance has closed their eyes to the cloud that comes across our faces.

Once hurt, I first have to deal with the anger.  Yes, anger, down deep in my gut anger.  I want to lash out, make them hurt too.  But I am at a loss for words.  Hours later, I go through the could-a, should-a, would-a stage, boy, could I ever have a nasty, biting retort.

Then, I stew, for days, weeks, sometimes months.  I decide I'm never going to speak to these people again...and as for friendship...forget about it.  My wound festers, puffs up...gets puss filled.  Man, I really want to pop this boil...but that would hurt, and I'm almost over the original pain, and don't want start a new one.

Ugly has really set in.

Then one day...I look at the wound, and realize I can't live with the ugly any more.  I heat up a needle to sterilize it, and poke it through the festered skin.  The pain is quick, the results immediate.  I cleanse the wound apply medication and bandage and feel immediate relief.

Just that quickly, forgiveness, fills my body and my soul.  I know I will never forget the words or actions that had caused my pain, but the forgiveness releases them to the wind, and unless I CHOOSE to remember them and bring them to mind they can remain blowing around forever.

And so it is I am thankful for forgiveness.  Do you have a fester today? I think this would be a good time to sterilize a needle and pop away your pain.  You will feel so much better.

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