Monday, January 28, 2013

Anderson Cooper

As you may or may not know I have a thing for Anderson Cooper.  He is perhaps (in my humble opinion) the most handsome guy on TV.  I adore him.

He has more idiosyncrasies than Carter has pills.  He will honestly tell you that he has, blames them on nobody but himself, and will admit he has no desire to change them for anybody.  Ya' gotta love that.

He can find no good excuse for eating a pickle...admitting today, the juice is even worse that the pickle itself, yet will put a blob of mayonnaise in his hand and rub the stuff all over a table top because, it will restore the wood to the original what if he smells like sandwich for a few hours.

I love the fact he picked on an old lady who was about to put her banana peel into a mail box, and walked her across the street to a proper receptacle for disposal, while he honestly admits, had it been an over-sized gargantuan gorilla, he never would have spoken up, much less march him across the street to the proper receptacle. Did I tell you I adore this man?

Plus, he is funny, and will poke fun at himself on national television, like today when he (to his horror) had to remove a shoe and sock and expose his naked foot much to his (I'm sure) embarrassment and comfortableness.  Then, of course, there were the few minutes when Emmitt Smith held a leaf blower up to Anderson's face contorting it into the most laughable sight ever.  (At the end of the show Anderson did the same thing to Emmitt)  It was hysterical.  Except for Ellen DeGeneres, I cannot think of another personality that would have their face leaf blower-ed in front of the whole world simply for good belly jiggling laugh.

However, I also love him because he has great compassion, a thirst for learning new things, is willing to step outside his comfort zone, and is comfortable in his own skin. Plus he is just the right size to squeeze the stuffing out of (excuse the horrible grammar).  And, that dear ladies is a job I would like to have...and one I would do free of charge.

Anyhooo, I'm full of sorrow his afternoon show has been cancelled, and I will miss the banter he has with his staff and daily guests, the unexpectedness that happens on almost a daily basis.  The alligators, the leaf blowers, the wine drinkers, the pickle tastings, and all the other 'stuff' that simply happens on his show.

Anderson, who's your BFF (best fan forever)?  That'd be me, dear Anderson...that'd be me.

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