Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ala-ka-zam, Part 2

Yesterday I wrote and said I would tell you about my second magic trick, involving a little bird.

This requires a bit of 'back story', so sit down and relax a while.

Many years ago, in the land of arts and crafts, La La Lady went to an after Christmas clearance.  Oh, the bright colors and glitter.  She walked the aisles, tossing artificial flowers, ribbon, yarn, construction paper, and all sorts of crafty things into her shopping basket.

As she was (finally) heading to the line; to fall into place behind teachers, scrap-booker's, crafter's, and other La La Ladies, she happened to spy a basket filled with colorful, feather crafted birds.  Since La La Lady had a particular fondness for Cardinals, she began to rummage through the basket. the very bottom, was a very small bird...un-packaged...missing its legs and feet.  (I think it was supposed to be a California Quail, but the curly dealie-bob on the head was missing, too).

Well, La La Lady took pity on the poor bird, and placed it in the cup of her hand...she was in love.

Finally, as stories go in the land of arts and crafts, it was her turn at the check-out stand.  She handed the bird to the clerk and announced she hoped she could tell her how much the bird cost, as this was the condition the bird was found.  To which the clerk replied.  "Honey, if you want this bird that bad, take it, it's yours".  Wooo, hooo.

La La lady took the bird home.

Now, here's the magic part.  Once I got the bird home I knew exactly where it belonged.  I read somewhere, in some country, it was good luck to put a bird's nest into a Christmas tree.  I just happened to find a tiny one in my yard, and saved it to put on my tree...the nest was the EXACT SIZE to accommodate my leg and footless bird.

I set it on the kitchen counter to take my jacket off.  The bird, rolled over on its back and played dead.  I could not believe my eyes...what sort of magic was this?  Did my telepathic ability send it a message?  I picked it up, said "Play dead" put it on the counter, did. Oh, this was great, I imagined showing my grand kids my wonderful magic trick.

Next year, I decorated the tree, and there was the nest and tiny bird.  I took the bird to the kitchen counter and commanded, "Play dead."  It did.

Come Christmas day, the grand kids came, I could not wait to show them my magic.  The bird and I put on quite a show.  The kids didn't know if grandma had gone over the edge, or what.  However, La La Lady and the bird had a marvelous time.  It takes so little to make us happy.

So, if you are ever in my neighborhood some Christmas season, stop by...the bird and I will 'make magic'.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, the kids were certain that Grandma had gone over the edge! That was the real magic!
