Saturday, April 14, 2012

Poor Zorro

Day before yesterday was lovely, so Zorro and I were able to be outside.  I decided it was a good day to start getting the patios ready for summer activities.  This required quite a bit of going in and out of the house,  I did have the glass panel of the slider wide open, however, since I don't like my kitty to get out I am required to keep opening and shutting the the screen at each entrance and exit.

Here comes the poor Zorro part.  On one of the occasions I was coming out of the house, I closed the screen, not realizing Zorro had not followed me out.  (Maybe he was getting a drink of water or something.)

Anyway...I'm far enough away from the screen that it will take me a few steps to reach it.

Uh, oh.  I see Zorro barreling toward the door like a diesel driven freight train going 80 miles an hour.  At 'old lady' speed, I'm heading back to the door.

Guess who got that first?  Kapow!  Zorro hit that screen.  His head, turned abruptly to his right, and some of his fur flattened down against the screening.  Crash!  The door came off it's trolley.  Fortunately, old lady got there in time to grab it before the door hit, him, me, or the ground.

With the door out of the way, though stunned, Zorro made a wide sweep around the noise and clutter , dashing up the sidewalk.

Now, please don't think badly of me, but I laughed my head off, while (all in less than a second, 1, I don't want my cat to escape, 2. I want to replace the door quickly, and C. I want to make sure Zorro is not hurt.

I have to replace the door....but I also look at this as an opportunity to clean the winter junk out of the door track and close the glass door.  Then, I lean the screen against the house to check Zorro.  He's so freaked he won't come near.  I coax and cajole, and he eventually comes to me.  I'm still laughing, but giving him a big love at the same time telling him how sorry I was for his mishap seemed to help and he calmed down.

Anyway, back to work...I clean the track, replace the screen, give Zorro some more lovin' and go back to work.  Ah, the joys of outdoor living, it's going to be a good summer...if we ever have one.

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