Thursday, April 19, 2012


Have you noticed on TV most of the ads you see are either for cars, or diets?

I don’t care about the cars…don’t drive, but those dang diet ads are making me crazy.

There they are sweet, young, pretty girls, skinny as a finishing nail, sometimes singing their little hearts out about how good their diet is, and how good I will feel when I am as thin as (them-they?).  Their dresses are so tight, I have to wonder how many people it took to get their bodies into them, then they all stand kind of pigeon-toed…I guess that is supposed to be cute…or, maybe it's their high heeled shoes, and pigeon-toe is to keep them from falling over.  Anyway, they are trying to tout me on the fact THEIR diet is the only one that works. 

Really? You can’t tell me these girls are going to stay on those diets of salads, flown to your home food, or….whatever…for the rest of their lives.  Me thinks, as soon and their contract is up and the checks stop coming they are going to make a mad dash to their favorite fast food restaurant and pork down on a hamburger, fries, and a tall, creamy shake.  Okay, maybe that’s what I’D do.

Anyway, the point is, I think these ads are meant to destroy our self-image, make us feel bad, and get us to spend our money; mostly, to spend our money.  Guess what, sweet young, pretty girls, it’s not working…I hate you…and your ads will not make me go out and spend my money your diet.  So, sing and dance your little hearts out.

Strawberry cheesecake, blueberry pie al-a mode, double chocolate chip cake, potato chips, macaroni salad, bread, bread, bread, I dare you to tell me your skinny little butts aren’t longing for these things.  And, guess what I’m having for lunch?

Mwaaaaaahhhhhh, Haaaaaaaaaa.

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