Monday, April 2, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

Dang, I hate I have to write this again, but my first one just disappeared.

I think it went something like this.

I've been at work since seven-thirty this morning, and decided it was time for a coffee break so here I am, writing.  I have to confess I'm very excited, I got some nibbles when it comes to my Gues Who Original Publisher's business.  My friend and neighbor next door wants to order some sets of my note cards, my friend Sheridan wants me to make some birthday cards for her family, and one of the ladies from my Writers Group wants to buy some note cards, too.  So, I am putting together a portfolio (maybe it will be more like a catalog) of all the cards that are already available and those that can be on a moments notice, it should be ready in a week or so.

Golly, now I know how a kid feels the first time he/she goes into a candy store, or has his/her first ice cream cone.  (Picture me jumping up and down.) Actually, I feel 30 again...yep, that was a pretty good year, age wise.

Unfortunately, many things are going to heck in a hand basket.  I should occasionally fling a dust rag, vacuum the carpet, eat, get dressed, pull weeds, or even scratch my butt, lol...but, "frankly, Miss Scarlet...I don't give a damn."

Frankie, Zorro and CC are not too thrilled that I spend so much time at the computer either. However (as Diane of Cheers used to say) "my muse" has me chained to my Publisher and Word programs, so, I keep Frankie busy with chores I should be doing, and allow Zorro to be on my lap as I work, and don't worry too much about CC as she comes to visit when she thinks she needs attention.  I've learned when she comes I have to immediately save what I am working on, else, her tiny paws tend to delete, delete, delete.
I'm no dummy.

I am thankful to have my house mates, they keep me based in reality and  I don't know what I would do without them. Thank you furry and imaginary friends. If you were not here to check on me, I'm sure one day someone would eventually find my skeletal remains in my office chair and draped over my keyboard in a bony heap.

Well, coffee break is over...back to work.

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